What up everybody? In the series The Chi the main villain has been Otis Perry aka Douda. Douda is a polarizing figure who you either love, or hate. Douda was introduced at the beginning of season 2, as the frontman for the 63rd street mob.
Douda is very wealthy and puts on a front as a successful businessman to cover up all the dirt he’s doing. Douda also became the Mayor of Chicago at one point, just to prove it to himself he could after someone told him he couldn’t as a child.
But the writing was all over the wall in Season 6 episode 4 that Douda’s days are numbered. Not that I was expecting Douda to still be living when the series is over, because none of the good villains ever get to live: Nino Brown, Ghost, and Scarface to name a few.
But the writing was all over the wall in episode 4, and I’ll start of with the closing minutes of the episode when Pastor Stanley was preaching his sermon about the lion in the jungle. The lion in the jungle he was talking about was Douda.
While Douda was sitting right there in the back of the church. This is after Douda tried giving Reverend Jackson money twice, and he turned it down. Douda was sitting there pissed off, and told Nuck to take care of the Reverend at the end.
One statement he made in his sermon was, how long before he comes to destroy your household. And currently Douda had affected just about every family on the show, except for Maybe Kev’s. And Kev was working for Douda at one point when he was younger also.
It was around season 2 when Douda met up with the OG of 63rd St. Mob who had been in prison since the 80’s concerning the cops being hot about some home invasions they were doing for a real estate grab. And he told Douda that he needed to find a fish.
And he found one, Brandon the chef, and his food truck business. Douda then started lavishing Brandon with 63rd Street Protection, boatloads of money, and a brand new 2nd food truck. Then they raided his food truck, and found the gun he took from Kev, who Kev got from Jack, and who Jack stole from Reg; and the gun had 3 bodies on it.
Season 2 concluded with Brandon and the 2 cops he was working with watching Douda close on a new real estate deal, a result of the home invasions. Brandon agreed to work with the feds, and Season 3 started of with Brandon’s funeral. In my opinion 1 of the weirdest moments in television history.
We were left only to wonder what happened, until Season 4 when Douda got shot by Brandons Mom, and that’s when Douda told Roselyn that he killed Brandon for snitching. But even the 1st episode of Season 4 left more questions when they were at Smokey’s and someone said he heard Brandon was in Witness Protection.
Then Papa saw his dad take money from Douda, to only a few episodes later get arrested for money laundering. One difference between Brandon and Pastor Stanley is that Pastor Stanley took his charge like a G, and didn’t open his mouth.
That’s why the reverend is still living, and Brandon isn’t. His mistake was calling out Douda in front of his congregation, because I’m sure everyone who heard that sermon knew exactly who he was talking about.
And Douda is a man with a lot of pride, so I don’t think he’s gonna let him get away with that. Getting me to Emmitt, who had fallen into practically the same situation that Brandon was in. The only difference is that Emmitt didn’t already have a dirty gun, so Douda made sure to bring him one as a housewarming gift.
Luckily for Emmitt, Darnell found the gun and took it. Pay close attention to the conversation that he had with Emmit about the gun. He straight up told Emmitt that there was probably already like 3-4 bodies on that gun. The same situation that happened with Brandon.
Getting me to the bag that Nuck brought Emmitt. I’m not 100% sure if that was just a bag money, or was the guns also in that bag that they were trying to get shad to hold onto? But there is a big difference between Emmitt, and a lot of the people Douda had tried to bring under his wing, if you wanna call it that.
When Douda killed that man for chewing his gum too loud right in front of Emmitt, Emmitt looked terrified, then Douda just went back to talking to Emmitt like nothing happened. This is they same type of story that Brandon’s step father told him about Douda.
He said when Douda was a kid that he beat the hell out of some kid on the playground, and after he went back to playing like nothing happened. But notice that Douda killing that man wasn’t enough to even scare Emmitt away because he so caught up in the money.
Getting me to the big question of the day who will kill Douda? I said the writing was all over the wall in episode 4, Douda even said it himself, you know i wont be here forever, i gotta pass this throne down to somebody. I got a few different theories, because honestly it could be anybody because the fact he has so many enemies.
But if I had to put money on it, and I would put good money because I’m confident in my bet. I would say Bakari will be the one to kill Douda.The fact that Douda is going to have Pastor Stanley killed will ultimately be the reason he is killed also.
Keep in mind that Pastor Stanley has basically taken Bakari in, and treated him like his own son. Keep in mind at the dinner table when he called Bakari his son, saying that meant the world to Bakari.
Pastor Stanley’s death will be very hard on Bakari, and when he finds out that Douda was behind his murder he will take it upon himself to kill Douda to avenge Pastor Stanley. Keep in mind that Bakari killed Ronnie to avenge the death of Coogie.
Then there’s the fact that most of the characters on the show don’t have it in them to catch a body, especially somebody the caliber of Douda. Bakari also had an advantage because he works for Douda, and would be able to catch him while he’s relaxing.
Plus right after the conversation Douda had talking about he’s not gonna be here forever, immediately Bakari came walking in the door. This could also be a clue, that Bakari will be the one to take out Douda.
Getting me to my second theory, that Emmit gets arrested with the bag he got from Nuck, and Darnel kills Douda for ruining his sons life. Darnell had already told Douda they he would kill him himself if something happened to his son.
Then you have to consider the fact that Rob is currently investigating to find out who killed his Uncle Q. Right now he hasn’t gotten anywhere, and he might end up actually killing Victor thinking he killed Q.
But at the same time I don’t think Rob had the heart to catch a body, especially somebody like Douda. But if he find out Douda is responsible for killing Q. His mom might kill Douda, or I’m pretty sure Q still has a soldier or 2 that we haven’t seen since season 1 who might come back to do the job for her.
Also keep in mind that Sonny was Q’s brother also, either though they didn’t have a good relationship. So I don’t think he would do anything about it either. Then there is some wild cards I can throw out there like Jake.
Jake already knows that Douda is responsible Reg’s death, and he knows that Douda almost killed his girls father. But Jake isn’t like Emmit, when he saw Douda kill that man, he ran away, and thats what made him want to live with his brother.
So I don’t think Jake has the heart to kill Douda unless, Douda kills Victor, then that may change. But I don’t think that Douda will kill Victor, because he would have already done so by now. And please don’t hate on me I been hoping Douda kill Victor aka Trig since Season 3 episode 1.
Getting me to the last few names I’m gonna throw out there. First being Tracy. Tracey knows a lot of dirt about Douda, and there is nothing like a woman scorned. And we see that Douda has now moved on to a new side piece.
Next I’ll say Rosalin. This is a long shot, but keep in mind that she didn’t stop Jake from taking those papers out of Douda’s safe which could have potentially caused problems. And she been with Douda for so long, I wouldn’t put it past Rosalyn being the one to kill him.
Of course Douda could also die at the hands of Nuck. Nuck would make this move so he could take Douda’s spot. Keep in mind Nuck is always playing Chess, which means he’s calculated. And right now he has Douda thinking that he’s not ruthless enough.
The last person I’m gonna throw out there, I’m not even sure of his name. But it’s the kid Douda called the quiet one, and who stole the blue mustang that looks like Tommy Egan’s car. He reminds me a lot of a young Douda, so he could definitely be the one to take him out.
If Douda gets killed I would expect it to take place around episode 9, or 10. But there is also the longshot, that he doesn’t get killed, but finally gets locked up. Maybe those same 2 cops we haven’t seen since season 2 comeback to lock him up
Keep in mind Douda might have even killed that lady cops son, so she might comeback to do the job also. But if I had my way Douda would survive the Chi finale, and not get locked up. It would be nice to see the villain ride off into the sunset.
But they don’t ever let that happen. And there you have it. Leave your thoughts, theories, and predictions in the comments.
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