tommy diamond

Tommy’s Back To His OLD WAYS & It’s A MESS For Diamond | Power Book IV: Force Season 2

What up everybody? Tommy’s back, and has already caught 2 bodies in the first episode of season 2, tippin the bottle back, hallucinating, offering his mom some coke, and stirring up trouble. Tommy done being on his best behavior and going back to his old ways in season 2.

That’s why episode 1 was appropriately titled Tommy’s back, because in Season 1 we got some new off brand version of Tommy trying to be more calculated, like Paulie said, he showed restraint. But Lilliana’s death got Tommy going back to his old unpredictable ways.

Concerning the Force Theme song, I think I speak for the majority when I say Jeremih killed his part, then 50’s part comes on and he reminds us why we’re thankful he became a businessman. For season 3 they need to get Durk to do the verse.

But today I’m breaking down Tommy, and Diamond’s messy partnership, and the fact that their partnership is not built to last. Starting off with the fact that Diamond loaned Tommy money to buy JP the new bar. However Tommy didn’t tell Diamond what he was using the money for.

After their meeting with Miguel, Tommy asked Diamond what they talked about. Diamond told him, and said, I didn’t tell him that you borrowed a whole bunch of money from me, and didn’t tell me what it was for.

We learned what it was for earlier in the episode when Tommy told JP that he borrowed money to buy the bar. So JP’s debt is wiped out. But one thing to be on the look out for is the fact that the bar he was running in season 1, belonged to his dad, Herman, who we didn’t see in episode 1.

Then there’s the fact that Tommy is basically gone rogue, and turnt back to his old ways, which is more entertainment for us, but for Diamond having to be partners with Tommy, it’s not so good.Tommy’s doing whatever he feels like doing not taking into consideration Diamond’s opinion. . He was planning on taking out Walter Flynn when he pulled up to Claudia’s apartment. After diamond told him not to make a move.

Diamond told him that Mariah was off limits, but Tommy kept pursuing her, and we already know from the season 2 trailer that they will end up hooking up sooner, or later. Mariah currently has a boyfriend at her job. Could this be someone Miguel knows who’s reporting back to Miguel, or is she hiding this relationship from Miguel.


Sticking with Miguel: Tommy told Diamond that if they were going to be partners then he needs to meet the connect. Then Diamond did something that could of got him killed, and that was bringing Tommy into Miguel’s spot without telling him first.

I was surprised that they didn’t shake Tommy down for a wire or anything like that, but they did send him off, and didn’t talk any business in front of him. If I was Miguel I would had been very suspicious, and assumed he was a rat.

Especially the way he was so forward walking into the meeting telling Miguel they needed double the product. But Miguel did tell Diamond that if he can’t keep Tommy in line, and the beef between CBI calm, then it might cost Diamond his life.

Getting me to the question, will Miguel ask Diamond to kill Tommy? There is the season 2 promo when Miguel is telling someone that Tommy Egan is too dangerous to keep alive. I believe there is a good chance that he is telling this to Diamond right before he asks him to kill Tommy.

Miguel might not give him no other choice, where it comes down to Diamond, or Tommy. And we have already seen a similar situation like this play out with Ghost, and Tommy when Lobos asked Tommy to kill Ghost.

But at the end of the day Lobos trying to force Tommy to kill Ghost is why Tommy betrayed Lobos. Tommy already wants to take Miguel out and deal directly with the Cartel. Miguel pushing Diamond to kill Tommy could cause Diamond to cross him, and take Miguel down at the end.

But getting back to the problems that Tommy is causing for Diamond, killing Chewy could possibly start a war between the 2 crews, and could also put Diamond’s crew on notice, like this is how it’s gonna be, is this guy gonna kill us too?

But more importantly a war between the 2 sides could cause Diamond problems with Miguel, because he told Miguel that he would keep Tommy from popping off. At some point Diamond is also gonna feel disrespected by Tommy, like Tommy is trying to take over.

We have already seen Vic and Claudia’s partnership fail after just 1 episode because Claudia is acting the same way Tommy is. But Diamond has a lot more cooler of a head than Vic, but Tommy can’t expect to keep taking Diamond’s kindness for weakness.

If I was Diamond, Tommy would be riding shotgun at best, while I run point. Think about it: Diamond has the connect, Diamond has the organization, and the territory. What exactly is Tommy bringing to the table to make him a 50/50 partner?

Like lil wayne said, you aint even sitting at the table if you ain’t bringing nothing to it. In my personal opinion, looking at things objectively, and not from the standpoint that Tommy is the star of the show, Tommy is using Diamond, and has been since season 1.

This is one of the things that Jenard had such a problem with, because he saw Tommy was a problem. And that is one of the reasons why Jenard is my favorite character on the show. Getting me to Diamond’s parole officer.

Diamond’s original parole officer got fired for being on the CBI pay roll. This got me asking the question, did Jenard report this? I find it ironic that the parole officer gets fired right after CBI splits up.

But this parole officer is going to be a problem. He told Diamond that he will get random drug test, home visits, he’ll have to show proof of employment, and one more thing no association with any known felons.

He told Diamond if he violated any of these terms he will have no choice but to send him back to prison. I’m wondering how long Diamond will have to serve on parole. I had to do 3 years when I got out of prison.

My PO straight up told me that I didn’t go to prison for long enough, and that his goal was to put me back in prison. I’m somewhat thankful to the man though, because this man breathing down my neck is a good part of why I never got back into the game.

But as far as Diamond is concerned keep that associating with known felons in mind, because this could be the cause of Diamond going back to prison. Right now he knows who Tommy is, but I don’t believe he knows to what level Tommy is wanted by the police, and that Tommy faked his death.

If Stacey Marks gets pictures of Tommy Egan hanging out with Diamond and gives those pictures to Diamond’s parole officer, Diamond might be back in prison by the next morning. One more thing before I go is, be on the look out for a character named bones connected to Diamond.

I heard this characters name mentioned before the season started, and that is who sent Diamond the text about Claudia having Dahlia back running again. I’m not sure if he was in the CBI meeting or not, but he could prove to be a major player in season 2, possibly stepping in for Diamond if he has to fallback because of his PO.

And there you have it, Tommy Egan going back to is old ways, and creating a mess for Diamond. LEave your thoughts, theories, and predictions, in the comments.








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