tommy war

Tommy Ignites A War | Mireya In Danger ALREADY & Who Is Chico? Power Book IV: Force Season 2

What up everybody? In basketball for example there are players who have a signature move: Tim Hardaway, and Iverson had the killer crossover, kareem abdul jabar had the sky hook, and Kobe, and MJ had the fadeaway.


Even certain action figures have a specific superpower. And as a drug dealer Tommy Egan’s go to move is law number 14 from the 48 laws of power, pose as a friend, work as a spy. Not saying this is all Tommy can do, like Kobe could do more than the fadeaway, but this is Tommy’s signature move.

Tommy has been doing this, and most likely learned it from Ghost when they took down Breeze. Ghost and Tommy got in good enough with Breeze to learn his entire routine, and that he watched jeopardy every night at 7:30.

So like Kanan said, when they killed Breeze, he never saw them coming. Tommy’s most notable time using this tactic on camera was when he used this law to take down Milan. Ghost was scrambling to find a way to kill Milan, and would have been Milan’s dinner, if Tommy didn’t slide on in, and pose as a friend, and work as spy.

Through getting close to Milan; Tommy found out there was friction between Milan and his lieutenant Petar. Because of this Tommy was able to flip Petar, and the night they killed Milan he never saw them coming.


Now think about it like this, if Tommy wasn’t the star of the show, and the number 2 i guess is what you can call it of Power, and just had a common role; he would be hated like Dre. People would say he’s a snake, and that he can’t be trusted.

This is the way that Jenard had felt about Tommy in Season 1. Now imagine we had 6 seasons of Jenard, and Elijah, then Tommy shows up, and Diamond gets out of jail, and they were talking about taking the serbs pipeline, only for Elijah to get killed. Tommy, and Diamond would be hated by most people.

I brought up the topic of perspective because Tommy Egan is a lot like his old foe, Andre Coleman. And that’s no shade to Tommy, Dre is 1 of my favorite Power Characters. I can appreciate the way he was able to out maneuver everyone until the end.

Tommy did learn from some master manipulators: Ghost, Dre, Kanan, you can even add Kate, and Tasha to the list. And a lot of these lessons were learned the hardway, but lessons learned regardless. And 1 thing Dre was always doing was playing both sides against the middle. He did this with Tommy, so he could steal his organization from him.

Now Tommy’s going back to his signature move posing has a friend working as a spy with Miguel Garcia. Even taking a bullet for Miguel, but like Tommy told Diamond it will all be worth it in the end.

And while he was being treated by Myriah, he overheard where the next drop for Miguel’s crew was gonna be, and they robbed they shipment, while blaming it on Miguel’s enemy the Serbs. Using Dre’s move of playing both sides against the middle.

And utilizing law 39 from the 48 laws of Power, Stir up waters to catch fish. Now Tommy and CBI is just gonna sit back and stack paper from the shipment they stole, while Miguel’s St. Prince gang goes to war against the Serbs.

Now keep in mind war always has a cost. While Tommy and CBI is sitting back stacking money, the 2 major players standing in their way will being losing resources, and manpower by going to war.

There is also a chance that not everybody is going to be happy with the decision to go to war, and it could cause dissension within the crew as well. This is how Dre was able to flip Tommy’s network, because they wanted to avoid a war.

Then there is the fact that El Che told Miguel not to go to war with the Serbs. If he went to war with the serbs El Che would take out Myriah. El Che serves a the middleman between Miguel, and the Cartel.

So Tommy has already put his new love interest Myriah’s life in danger, and doesnt know it.And much like Jenard, Miguel and Myriah’s grandma who Miguel also called Jefa, meaning he answers to her, sees right through Tommy, and called his a devil, and a dog.

But Tommy has already gained Miguel trust, by taking the bullet. But grandma being the OG that she is even knows that Tommy had a motive for taking that bullet. And she gave us a clue, that Tommy will destroy everything that they have built.

Also keep in mind that Miguel has connections to New York, and knew that Tommy was connected to Julio. One of Miguels soldiers told Tommy that Julio’s boy Chico said whats up. This means that word is already spreading on the streets of New York that Tommy is alive.

Now as far as I know we have never seen this Chico character either. If he was on OG Power go ahead and remind us where we saw him at in the comments. But if not, this is a new character we see introduced at somepoint, maybe even on Ghost.

Keep in mind that Julio was also a former member of the gang the torros locos who Tommy had beef with and him and Ghost killed their leader for killing Julio, trying to find out who killed Raina.

And the torros locos were also connected to the Jimenez Siblings, who were most likely Miguel’s supplier or his suppliers, supplier at one point. Because a few years ago the 2 major cartels were Lobos, and the Jiminez.

Once they were both wiped out then the new Cartel’s were able to rise up, and take over. The Jimnez were even released from custody at one point to prevent the smaller Cartels from rising up and going to war.

If Miguel finds out the Tommy had something to do with taking out the Jimenez and even Lobos at this point this might be when Miguel says that Tommy Egan is too dangerous to keep alive.

But with the news spreading on the streets of New York that Tommy is alive. When he goes back to New York this means there will be more people than we originally thought that knows that Tommy is still alive.

Leading us to ask the question who was Tommy talking to in the promo video when he said it’s nice to see you again. Because Tommy looked extra serious on that clip.

And there you have it. Leave your thoughts, theories, and predictions, in the comments.







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