power force season 2 episode 3

The Biggest Takeaways & Clues from Power Book IV: Force: Season 2 Episode 3

What up everybody? Power Book 4 Force Episode 3 was straight chaos. And in my personal opinion the best episode of the Book 4 Force series so far. By the time the episode was over me and Jenard had the same look on our faces.

I had to sit there for a second and process what just happened. This episode was crazy. The way Jenard killed Lil K was wild. It was reminiscent to how Lou Lou killed Crown on Raising Kanan, or how Ghost killed Jason Micic, just way more savage.

Jenard was so high he initially just started geeking out and thinking that K had on a wire, then once K starting running his mouth Jenard lost control and decided to take K out. Which was good because Tommy was sitting across the street watching.

Then Jenard dragged K’s body next to a dumpster, and put a trash bag on top of him. So if they really wanted to solve the case they should easily be able to get Jenard’s DNA, or something from off of K.

K’s grandma also threatened Jenard, and said that if anything happened to K, Jenard would be easy to point out because of his cauliflower ear. So keep that in mind for a second as i talk about Jenard’s drug abuse.

Last season we saw Jenard using cocaine from time to time, but it seemed like for the most part he had it under control, but not many people knew about it. It also seems like Jenard gets reckless and violent when he starts using drugs.

Last season he was on coke when he did the drive by shooting at the Serbs when they were holding Lilliana hostage. But now Jenard has taken his drug abuse to a whole new level after killing Lil K.

Jenard went out and copped a bag of H. And H is on a whole other level than the coke. It pulls you in quick, and once you get started on it, it’s almost impossible to stop using. Then once hooked on it, it becomes where you body becomes dependent on it, and you get sick without it.

When I got out of prison, I had someone who use to sell product for me asking if he could come down and work for me, for a legit business I had started. Because I somewhat trusted him, and knew he was a hustler, I gave him the opportunity.

Little did I know why I had been away that he got hooked on that Boy. That’s the street name for H, if you didn’t know. It only took me a few days figure out what was up, but I kept him around because he was a good worker, and tried to help him get off the drugs, but it was useless.

Nonetheless, he was a great worker because he needed the money to support his habit. But this guy ended up getting arrested, and going to prison, where he supposedly got cleaned up. I said all that to say this, Jenard may have to go prison or something like that to get clean, because he is going down a dark, dark path right now, and a point of no return for many.

Getting me to my next big takeaway from the episode And that is Tommy and Diamond ambushing Miguel with all that money. This may make Miguel start becoming suspicious of Tommy, and Diamond. Especially after the conversation he had with Abuela.

Diamond thinks that Miguel might be suspicious of them, but Tommy doesnt think so. Tommy has learned from history, and told Miguel the truth about moving coke on the inside. Going back to OG Power when Tommy wanted to lie to Lobos, but Ghost told him the truth, only to find out that Lobos already knew they had been robbed.

Because if they lied to Miguel, and he found out CBI was moving weight on the inside he would have only become more suspicious. But talking about suspicious, what does Diamond have going on? Who is the unknown caller, he keeps calling him?

Then they finally sent him a text saying that you can’t keep avoiding my calls, we need to me up. Now we know Diamond didn’t get out of prison for being a snitch, but who is this new mystery person contacting him.

By the looks of the trailer whoever it is makes Diamond look like a snitch, because Tommy is gonna pull out a gun on him and question him. I 100% guarantee that he doesn’t kill Diamond on this scene because there are too many scenes of Diamond left from the Season 2 promos.

But could this mystery person be Stacy Marks? I said before the season started watch out for Stacy Marks ulterior motives, and I said look out for her ambition to be mayor. And it was confirmed this episode that Stacey MArks does have her eyes set on being Mayor.

Do Stacey Marks and Diamond have a prior history from before Diamond got locked up. And Tommy sees Diamond meeting up with Stacey, and that’s what makes Tommy think Diamond is a snitch?

Getting me to Kate Egan, who has made 10 days sober now. Unfortunately we know it is only a matter of time until Kate relapses, because when Tariq goes to visit her on Ghost looking for Tommy she is drinking, and also offers Tariq a drink.

So we know it’s only a matter of time until Kate goes back to her old ways. But we found out more behind the story of why she abandoned JP, and also learned that Kate had JP at 14, and Tommy at 16.

This means Kate was only around 15 years old when she was dancing at Magic City and met Tony Teresi. And she was around 20-21 when she told Tommy that his grandma was dead, and they never returned to Chicago after that.

Getting me to D Mac. I made a video after episode 1 comparing D MAC to a young Tariq, and Ghost. I will put a link to the video in the description because it is all the more relevant after this episode than it was when I made the video.

Because D MAC is not gonna be happy sitting on that couch, and JP and Tommy should understand that a 16 year old who has already been in the streets his whole life, isn’t just gonna be content sitting up in the house doing nothing.

If they wanted to keep him off the streets, they should take him out every once in a while, give him something to do. But D MAC feels he is more equipped to take care of his household than JP, that’s why he took the gun Tommy gave JP.

Also keep in mind that when D mac got mad and stormed off JP called him D MAC, and not Darnell. This was a big thing last season with Tommy calling him D MAC amd JP saying his name is Darnell.

And it’s only a matter of time until D MAC links back up with his boy Marshall, who made his Season 2 debut this episode. And is working for CBI, and not treason which should be expected after Jenard cut him out the original deal with Cousin Buddy.

But Cousin buddy is also getting his weight from CBI, now and not dealing with Jenard anymore. At what point this season will Cousin Buddy make his debut?

And wrapping it up with the Flynn family turmoil. Right now Vic is playing Chess while Walter, and Claudia are playing checkers. Claudia tried pulling the 1 power move she had left with Walter, changing the pass words on the legit side of the business, which caused Walter’s accounts to be froze for 2 days.

In retaliation Waler canceled all of Claudia’s credit cards, and cleaned out her safe. And while they are fighting amongst each other Vic is setting the Flynn organization up for disaster, and Tommy keeps taking out more of Walter’s men.

And now after Vic snitched on the courier carrying the bad pills, after Walter paid for them up front, Walter doesn’t have the money to pay Dublin. And Dublin is already eager to cut Walter’s water off.

And there you have it the biggest takeaways and clues of power book 4 force season 2 episode 3 leave your thoughts, theories, and predictions in the comments.







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