the chi spinoff

Los Angeles SPINOFF Hinted? The Chi Season 6

What up everybody? It seems like so long ago now from the first episode of the Chi when young Kev probably nothing but a 5th or 6th grader watched Ronnie Kill Coogie, thinking that Coogie was responsible for killing his step son Jason.

And a lot people forget that young Kev shot Ronnie as a result of all this too. And everything came full circle when Ronnie saved Keisha from her kidnapper, and Keisha named her baby after Ronnie. Now Kev is the uncle to a baby named after a man he shot.

Now we have seen Kev, Jake, Papa, and company grow up before our very eyes, and now they just finished attending their senior promo, and that means they are only a few episodes away from graduating.

One big question is, will the whole crew make it to graduation? Or will a tragedy come before graduation? Many people believe Popa will get taken out as a result of Douda telling Nuck to take care of Pastor Stanley.

Though I do like to believe Douda does have some kind of morals, and wouldn’t send Nuck to kill a kid, especially a civilian who has never bothered him before. But there is still a chance he gets hit in the crossfire, or by mistake.

The way they were playing that dramatic music when he was walking up to his girls door to find out she has a kid, made me think lights was about to be out for Papa. Getting me to the conclusion of episode 5 with Kevin on the phone telling someone he’s ready to move to LA.

So Kev had been making money off of gaming in the chi for a minute now. This is why his moms found that 25 bands in his room, and thought he was selling drugs; the main reason Kevin wanted to move out and be on his own.

But since Kev has been climbing the ranks as one of the top gamers in the chi, he was noticed by some big LA gaming company who wants to put him on, and move him down to LA to work for them.

They were going to give Kev a salary, i think he said 6 figure salary, but I might be wrong. And they were gonna pay for his apartment, and get him a car. For just about any teenage kid, and even a lot of older people this would be considered a dream job.

So in episode 5 Kev was contemplating whether he would take the job, and leave everything he knows, and everyone he knows in Chicago behind to move to LA to pursue his dream. The first person he got advice from was Emmit, who told him to stay in Chicago, and not leave, that he needs to start a family where he was raised.

Then he talked to Jake and Papa, his day 1’s; and they told him don’t not take the opportunity because of them. And the last person he talked to about the situation was his girl Meiesha who told him straight up if it was her, she would take the job.

This is what convinced Kev to call LA and take the job. The thing about it was, he didn’t actually tell Meisha that he was offered a job in LA, he only gave her a hypothetical situation if she was given an opportunity to advance her career.

Getting me to the question, is this a hint that there will be a CHI spinoff based out of LA centered around Kevins life as an adult? We still have over 10 episodes left of the final season of the CHI, so still a lot can happen, but I do believe this was a hint.

If you look at the CHI like Power, and how OG Power branched off into 3 spinoffs: book 2 ghost, book 3 Raising Kanan, and book 4 force. The Chi has had enough character development of 6 seasons to do the same. And honestly had more main characters than Power which was more centered around the life of James St. Patrick.

To this day I still can’t tell you who the star of the Chi is, I’m guessing it’s either Emmit, or Kev, but for the 1st 2 seasons I thought it was Brandon. But with that said Kev could get his LA spinoff, then of course we need that Douda prequel like Rasing Kanan, and the final spinoff would continue following the life of Emmit.

Let me know what you think about any potential Chi spinoffs in the comments, and as well as who’s advice should Kev have listened to? Emits advice to stay in Chicago? Or his friends who told him to pursue his dreams?

I can see it from both sides, but personally I would have to trade in that Chicago snow, for that LA sun, but that’s just me. With that said, if Kev does go to LA will any of his current friends move to LA with him?

His girl Meisha is an up and coming rapper who already told him, that she would make the move if it would benefit her career. Right now Meisha’s rap career has become stagnant in Chicago, and she is considering going to college. A move to LA might be what she needs to take her career to the next level.

Also keep in mind that Meisha is an honor student and will probably be the valedictorian of her senior class, so she might could also get a scholarship to an LA school also. Getting me to Meisha’s manager Jemma.

Jemma used a portion of her college fund to help support Meisha’s career, and is really doing all she can do to help, but it isn’t working to good right now, and her dad is threatening to send her off to college in the fall, if something doesn’t happen fast.

Jemma is rebellious, and I think when it comes to the point that he tries sending her away to college that she will run away. Getting me to Jake who had decided to pursue a career in fashion, and clothing design.

Jake’s business isn’t making the money Kevin is getting, but he’s doing alright for himself for a high school student, trying to hustle in a legit way. But we don’t know what’s next for Jake, his mom is gone again, and the feds are investigating Victor.

I can see it playing out something happening to Victor, and Kev invites Jake to come live with him in LA and pursue his fashion career there. Then you already know Jemma wouldn’t be far behind.

Even if she doesn’t run away: her dad had enough money to send her to a school in LA also. So for the LA spinoff we could potentially see Kev, JAke, JEmma, and Miesha moving to LA to pursue their individual careers after finishing high school

If the LA spinoff does happen, who Kev would be working for in LA would be very important, because every show needs a good villain. For example Douda is the one who been keeping things interesting on the Chi, stirring up trouble.

So this new boss would have to create some kind of conflict for Kev, whether it’s pressure to meet his quota, or possibly Kev gets tricked into moving to LA to work for another gangster like Douda.

So with that said, will Kev be on the second half of the Chi season 6. Or potentially Kev will be gone for the second half of the season after graduation moving to LA. Something crazy got to be going down this season, they didn’t make it 16 episodes for no reason.

And before I go I want to make a couple quick comments regarding episode 5. What was Emmit thinking? Saying FU to Douda like he didn’t just watch Douda kill a man for chewing gum too loud a weeks ago?

That just shows Emmit got no kind of street smarts. Even Douda knew not to mouth off to Q. That’s why he shot him in the back so Q wouldn’t see him coming. But if they gave me that bag of money, me and my whole family would be gone, Ghost.

And I’d give a young hitter about 20 bands from that bag to take out Douda and Nuck also. It’s like Camron on Paid in Full, you got 14 bricks in that bag? And one last thing before I go, Dre reconnecting with her ex.

I think Tracey did that on purpose because of the girls night they had where Dre, and Jada was bragging on how good marriage was, and that they were so happy. I think because of jealousy tracey brought in Dre’s ex to stir up problems in her marriage. But i could be wrong.

And there you have it. Was a LA CHi spin off hinted on episode 5. Leave your thoughts, theories, and predictions, in the comments.








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