JP & James St. Patrick 'Ghost' Twin Brother

JP & James St. Patrick ‘Ghost’ Twin Brother Theory? Power Book IV: Force: Season 2

What up everybody? There has been a rumor going around for a minute now that James St. Patrick has a long lost mystery brother. I didn’t watch the interview myself, but I believe this rumor was actually started by one of the producers either 50 cent or Courtney Kemp.

Either though this was never confirmed on the actual show, because it was never mentioned whether Ghost had a brother or not. But today I’m gonna talk about the theory of JP being James St. Patricks twin brother.

Now there will be some holes in this story, that I can’t easily put together, but at the same time there is at least enough clues to arouse our curiosity about the similarities between JP, and James St. Patrick.

Starting out with their names JP and James St. Patrick, also keep in mind that we have no idea what JP stands for. Then there is the fact that both of their fathers happen to be bar owners, or small club owners, whatever you want to call it.

At the same time this is also 1 of the holes in the theory. Because Ghost dad is supposed to be dead, according to the conversation Ghost had with his Uncle Gabe in Power Season 6. At the same time Ghost never came back around again after the night his father was killed.

This leaves the possibility that his father actually did survive the shooting, but Ghost believed he was dead. Many people including myself believe that Ghost is responsible for killing his father, and that is part of the reason why he never came back around.

Go back and watch Ghost conversation with Uncle Gabe, watch how Gabe starts blinking his eyes when he asked Ghost why he never came back around. I am also convinced that Gabe knows Ghost killed his father, possibly because Ghost’s father told him who shot him, before he left town.

It had been rumored that Ghost’s fathers name is Curtis, but this also has never been confirmed on the show. It’s possible that this rumor started simply because 50 cents government name is Curtis. Now I want to take a minute to talk about JP’s father Herman who we were introduced to in season 1.

JP believes that Kate abandoned him at the hospital at 2 days old, but I believe there is more to the story. Herman told a story about why he stopped taking JP to the park because he started staring at all the other kids mothers.


But I don’t think this is true; I believe Herman for whatever reason took his son, and if Ghost is the twin brother, sons from Kate Egan. Then Kate started showing up to the same park that Herman was taking JP, possibly looking to connect with her son, and Herman stopped taking him, and possibly moved away to New York.

Because JP did mention to Tommy that him and his father came back around years later, and that’s when they reconnected with Miriam. And Kate didn’t leave Chicago to move to New York until Tommy was 4 years old.

I say this because JP was going through Miriam’s old pictures, and found a picture of himself at the park with a kid with red hair running in the background, and JP, said Tommy. Letting us know that at one point in time they were in the same place, at the same time.

Then there was the time JP called Kate to tell her that Miriam had died. The next day JP told his father Herman about it, and he immediately asked what did she say. Look at Hermans expression and body language when he asked that, like he was worried.

Then when JP told him what happened he seemed relieved, and told JP that Kate wont have what he’s looking for. Trying to make sure JP wouldn’t reach out to her again. Then Tommy was supposed to go to Miriams after D Mac got shot to get some paperwork, when he ran into Kate.

Kate spoke these words to Tommy, you already killed 1 brother, you’re here to kill another. And Kate was in Miriams house busting down the walls looking for money. She said Miriam had thousands hid in the walls, something to do with her troubles.

What troubles was Miriam into? And does this have something to do why Kate left when Tommy was 4 years old, and told him his grandmother was dead? This could also have something to do with why Kate was separated from her son, or sons.

Getting me to D Mac, who is a mathematical genius, who can do complex math problems in his head in a matter of seconds. Tommy told D Mac that he knew someone like him, could do numbers in his head, always buried in a book, talking about Ghost.

Do they have this same genius trait because Ghost is also D Mac’s uncle? Then there is the fact that Ghost went to live with Tommy after his father was killed. Kate doesn’t seem like the type of woman who would raise a child that was not her own.

Also why would she move to that particular neighborhood in Queens where Tommy got jumped everyday after school? Could it be so she would be able to still be a part of Ghost, and JP’s lives in someway, and at least be able to see them.

Because as far as we know Ghost has never met his mother. Tommy Egan at one point even said Ghost had no mom. But going back to Tommy getting jumped everyday after school for a minute.

Ghost was the one who put an end to it by doing something to 2 guys who were picking on Tommy. Did Ghost unconsciously feel a sense of duty to protect his younger brother, and that’s why he helped Tommy, and they connected.

There is also the season 3 finale of Ghost when Tariq went to Kate’s house looking for Tommy, and she made Tariq call her ma’am before she would let him in. I know it’s a small detail, but also something a grandmother would do.

But there is 1 more whole in this story that I do need to address, and that’s the fact that when JP, and Tommy found out they were brothers, JP straight up told Tommy, I’ve never had a brother before.

That would mean if this theory is true, at some point in time Herman separated the twins. Possibly after he realized Kate was coming around looking for them. But this is the hole in the story, that I just can’t put together to fully believe that JP, and Ghost are brothers.

At the same time during this conversation JP asked Tommy , is there anymore of us? Tommy said not that I know of, but who knows with Kate. This could actually be another clue, that there is a 3rd brother.

But either way 1 way or another there is too many clues here, so either the writers are trying to work on an angle to make this work, or they are trying to create all these similarities to mess with us.

This is another reason why we need that raising kate spinoof going back before the raising kanan timeline because there is just too many questions concerning the Egan family, and the St. Patrick family that needs to be answered.

And there you have it Is JP, James St. Patricks twin brother?. Leave your thoughts, theories, and predictions in the comments.







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