loved or feared

Douda vs Emmett – Is It Better To Be Loved or Feared? The Chi Season 6

What up everybody? In the book The Prince by Machiavelli he wrote that it’s best to be both loved, and feared. But if a leader cannot be both, then it would be better to be feared rather than loved.

And this is the situation we are currently seeing played out on the Chi season 6 with Emmitt, and Douda. Emmitt again shows why his father said he wasn’t built for this life, after pulling a gun on the most dangerous man in the city.

Douda got Emmitt to lower the gun, but Emmitt didn’t put a distance between himself and Douda first, so Douda was quickly able to take the gun, and hit Emmit upside the head. Emmitt then said he would pay Douda back everything he gave him.

Which is basically going to be impossible: we’re talking about Cash, 2 additional smokey locations, a couple cars, a house, and a new wardrobe. I’m guessing Emmitt’s debt to Douda right now is probably into the millions, or close, plus interest.

Emmitt should have just turned the other cheek when they stole Tiffs car, and left it alone. But after Douda threatened Emmitt, Emmit replied to Douda and basically told him people love me, but the only fear you. Letting Douda know if something happened to him, people would go after Douda.

Getting me to the question, if you cannot be both, is it better to be feared or loved? Leave your thoughts in the comment section. In my personal opinion it all depends on your walk of life. Emmitt and Douda are both playing their roles to the T.

Starting with Emmitt as a successful restaurant owner. If he were feared instead of loved, people would most likely be avoiding his restaurant no matter how fire the food was. But since he is loved, people are going to prefer to go to his restaurant, maybe even over another restaurant that may have better food.

On the other hand Douda as a gang leader would have problems if he was loved, and not feared. No matter how much he could be loved, in that walk of life if you are not feared, people will look at you as soft, and will find ways to take advantage of you, and it could even end up costing you your life.

Another example could be something like a factory supervisor, where the employees are working long hours with few breaks, and doing a tedious job. If your employees do not fear you, they will spend the majority of the day standing around socializing, and not getting the work done.

But then again on the other hand take a church pastor for example. If the pastor is feared and not loved: he’s not going to have a large congregation, and people will be putting small bills in the collection plate. But if the Pastor is loved, his congregation will grow, and the Lord loves a cheerful giver so those tithes and offerings are gonna be fat.

When I first got into the game as a young drug dealer, nobody feared me, and i mean nobody, but a lot of people loved me. But because nobody feared me, I was getting robbed, jacked, set up, something, every other month.

Everytime I would come up a little, I would be right back where I started. As a result I began becoming more, and more savage to the point nobody messed with me, and I mean nobody. But people still did love me, so business was good. So at the end of the day it’s better to be both, but if you can’t be it all matters what walk of life you are in.

Getting me to the death of Pastor Stanley. I made a video a couple weeks ago, who kills Douda, I will put the link in the description if you haven’t checked it out yet. It is all the more relevant today, because I was already talking about the pastor being killed, and Douda getting killed as a result.

But I knew from the beginning of the episode when Papa had his dad on Papa’s pulpit, then he gave Papa the family watch, and also talked about the value of time. I already knew this was gonna be it for Pastor Stanley.

Pastor Stanley had already been to jail for money laundering dealing with Douda in the past, something Papa never let go of, and constantly threw it in his father’s face. But Douda kept coming back to Pastor Stanley, only for the reverend to turn them down.

Then Pastor Stanley preached a sermon about Douda, referring to Douda as the lion in the jungle, who was going around devouring households. After this, Douda told Nuck, to handle Pastor Stanley. Douda’s business also began to suffer as a result of the sermon.

Getting us to episode 6, where Papa and the crew graduate. At the beginning of the episode Douda beats down Bakari for losing the car he loaned him. Then at graduation when Douda tried talking to Bakari, Darnell, and Shaad stopped him, from talking to Bakari.

It was at this time Douda smirked at the Pastor, like you don’t even know what’s coming for you tonight. After graduation at their family dinner Papa, and Pastor Stanley got into it about the girl Papa’s dating.

Pastor Stanley said Papa was to just a child himself, so how is he gonna be able to take care of somebody else’s child. And said if he saw that girl again, he would be working full time at the church.

This really upset Papa because he takes pride in being the assistant manager at Smokey’s. Papa eventually got up from the dinner table, and stormed out the house, but not before Pastor Stanley told him, that if he walks out the door he wouldn’t be welcomed back.

So Pastor Stanley was killed right after Papa just had the biggest argument with his father of his life, so his fathers death is gonna hit extra hard because the weren’t even on good terms. Getting me to the question will this turn Papa into a savage?

I don’t know personally, because going back from the beginning of the show, Papa has always been scary when it comes to anything that has to do with violence, and he’s just a overall good, and caring person.

But overall Papa is not scary in general he is actually bold, so I’m not sure, we could see a different side of Papa for these final 10 episodes, and Papa take a dark turn. But just a few episodes ago Pastor Stanley told Papa that he is a reflection of him, so to act out of his presence the same way he would act in his presence.

So with that said, I think Papa will try to do good with his life to make his father proud, and he still has his mother in the picture, so it’s not like he will be completely without family. Wrapping this video up with Victor telling Rob that Douda killed his uncle Q.

Rob told his mom thinking she would handle it herself, but she wants Rob to handle it himself because she gave him and Tiff 100k to start their marijuana growing business. But she knew Rob’s not built for that, so she told him to find some help.

Who do you think Rob will turn to for help? Or will somebody else get to Douda first? Make sure to click the video who kills Douda in the description.

And one last thing before I go. Emmit still has the bag of money Nuck brought him. If Douda and Nuck both get killed Emmitt will be able to ride off into the sunset. Or again he might go down for money laundering like Pastor Stanley.

And will Pastor Stanely’s death stop Kev from moving to LA? And there you have it. Leave your thoughts theories and predictions in the comments.







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