d mac ghost

D MAC, Young Ghost Character Comparison & Following In Tariq’s Footsteps | Power Book IV: Force

What up everybody? Force Season 2 has picked up just days from where we left off in Season 1 after D Mac was shot. In episode 1 we saw D Mac return home where he is being taken cared of by Kate and JP.

But things got bad for D MAC because his wound got infected, and he got sick and ended up in the hospital. And just as Tommy was about to snap on somebody at the hospital he bumped into Mariah who got D Mac treated.

But before this D MAC was on the couch telling Tommy that he was ready to get back to the streets. But Tommy does not want D MAC in the streets, so he agreed to let him run an App that tells people online where to buy drugs from CBI.

Tommy agreed to these terms only if D MAC were to do it right there from the couch. We can see Tommy is in a similar position D MAC as he was with Tariq when Tariq was around the same age.

But has learned from some of the mistakes he has made with Tariq, so he lets D MAC get involved in the business but tries to keep him away from the street side of things. This is similar to what Walter had been doing with Claudia.

With Tariq, Tommy nor Ghost had this approach, where maybe they teach Tariq how to clean the money with Tasha, or do something else that didn’t involve him getting into the streets, maybe Tariq wouldn’t had rebelled and things might have turned out different.

But instead Ghost and Tommy insisted that Tariq stayed away from the streets, this after they never told him the truth about who they really were, only for Tariq to find out through Kanan. The only thing that Tariq wanted from Ghost was for Ghost to teach him the game.

Maybe Ghost should have took Tariq closer under his wing and taught him the game. Either way even if Ghost would have, unless he would have just taken the training wheels of and let Tariq do his thing it woudln’t have worked.

Ultimately Tariq would have wanted more than just cleaning the money, or whatever task Ghost would have given him to do. We have already saw this situation play out with D Mac in season 1 when Tommy put D MAC in charge of counting the money.

D MAC got bored with that job quickly and wanted to get into some street stuff, so him and Marshall made the play for Cousin Buddy, and Gary, which is the reason he ended up getting shot.

Not to even mention D MAC took a brick from Tommy’s supply and gave it to cousin buddy. From what I remember a brick of Dahlia was going for 55k. Now keep in mind how Tommy held Tariq over the roof to scare him, after Tariq stole from him.

Even going back to Raising Kanan, Kanan’s family have tried doing the same thing with him, giving him an irrelevant job that’s out of the way, and we saw Kanan stealing from his family twice now.

So, judging from history, we already know D MAC is not gonna be content sitting still on the couch all day long making videos. D MAC told Tommy that he’s not his father, that he can’t tell him what to do.

And Tommy replied to D MAC, but your father is right there in the next room. And we know that JP doesn’t want Darnell anywhere near the street life. Getting me to the comparison between D MAC and a young James ST. Patrick, Ghost.

We know that Ghost father was a bar owner, who didn’t want Ghost in the life, and told him that if he choses that life there’s only 2 outcomes, dead, or in jail. The same thing we saw Ghost, and Tommy preach to Tariq, and JP and Tommy preach to D MAC.

Ghost’s father owned a Jazz Club, just like JP and his father Herman. In season 1 we learned that D MAC had been shooting up his father’s club. Marshall thought D MAC was soft because he didn’t want to rob the club, but all D MAC wanted to do was shoot it up, and leave.

What was D MAC’s reasoning for continually shooting up his fathers club. And we just learned from episode 1, that D MAC’s mother has been nowhere in the picture. Just like Ghost grew up with no mom.

The fact that D MAC grew up with no mom, and JP hadn’t been in his life since 4 years old, makes me to ask the question, how long has D MAC been on the streets living on his own. 1 thing we do know is that when we met D MAC in season 1, he was under Jenard.

Jenard gave D MAC, and Marshall special treatment like he was treating them like little brothers or something, maybe trying to raise them up under him. Because out of all the guys in CBI, other than Blaxton, and Elijah; D Mac, and Marshall is who Jenard had closest to him.

Much like Ghost was raised up in the streets from a young by Breeze, and started off as a lookout before moving up to a corner boy, and even got the nickname Ghost from Breeze. I’m sure that D-MAC also got his nickname from Jenard.

Another similarity between D MAC and Ghost is that they are both really smart, and can do numbers in their heads. Ghost at least went to high school, was on the track team at one point, and was offered a scholarship to choate.

But instead Ghost stayed back with Tommy, and chose the streets. There is no telling the last time that D MAC had been in school, and as of right now I haven’t heard them saying anything about getting him back in school either.

Ghost was around the same age as D MAC when his father was killed. Are all these similarities a hint that JP will also be killed at some point in season 2, only for Ghost to be taken in by none other than Kate Egan, who is also raising D MAC right now.

Is Ghost’s father being killed what turned him into a savage? If JP gets killed, could this be what makes D MAC take a dark turn and get his first kill? Tommy and Jenard saw D MAC completely different.

Jenard told Diamond that D MAC was a stone cold killer. But Tommy looked D MAC in his face and told him that he’s not a killer. I guess we would have leaned the truth if Jenard would have gave D MAC the go ahead.

Remember D MAC and Marshall ran into the barber shot and pulled their straps on Tommy? And D MAC said Jenard give me the work I’ll smoke whitey right now. If Jenars would have said go ahead smoke em. What do you think D MAC would have did.

So as we are waiting for the debut of Ghost, and Tommy on Raising Kanan. We have a version of a young Ghost, on Force with D MAC, and another young Ghost in his son Tariq. And there you have it leave your thoughts, theories, and predictions in the comments.







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