most evil power character

Who Is The MOST EVIL Character In The Power Universe?

In a world where no one can be trusted, sons kills fathers, fathers kill sons, lovers betray one another, and brothers stab each other in the back; the question remains who is the most evil character in the Power Universe.

What up everybody? Today I’m gonna be talking about who is the most evil character in the Power Universe, my top 5 rankings. Make sure to drop your list in the comment section, or just drop who you think is the most evil power character.

The funny thing about my list is that a few of the characters on my list are actually some of my favorite power characters. I’ve always found myself rooting for either the bad guy or the underdog in movies and tv shows.

My all time favorite character from either movies or tv is Neno Brown, my twin. And I know Neno Brown was 1 evil man, I don’t know if he was more evil than the power characters on my top 5 list though. I can’t stand Ice T to this day because of that movie.

Getting me to my list, at number 5 I have Andre Coleman. Dre was just ruthless, that’s what landed him on my list, and definitely had some of the best kills on the whole show. I think his death, being burned alive was a symbol of how evil that character was.

I think the kill that made a lot of people hate Dre was when he killed Donovan, who just got done helping save Dre, and his daughter. Dre straight up told him I didn’t tell you to do that ____. Dre also killed a priest, a dirty priest, but still a priest, Father Callahan.

Like I said he also had some of the best kills on the show. When he killed BG, and when he was working with Alphonz on the corner, and stabbed the random drug dealer on the corner, both those was just cold.

Then there was the fact that Dre couldn’t be trusted by nobody. He broke into his mom’s house and stole her jewelry collection, and when he was supposed to go to Wit Sac he told them to bring his daughter, but leave the mother behind. Basically taking his daughter from her mother, without the mothers permission.

At number 4 I have Monet Tejada. Monet is on my list primarily because she had killed not 1, but 2 of her children’s fathers. I’m not saying she didn’t have good personal reasons for killing both of them, it’s just the fact she didn’t even take into consideration how it would affect her kids.

Monet is cold hearted, and much like Dre she can’t be trusted by anyone. And unlike most of the parents in the power universe Monet actually forced her kids to get into the life, and become drug dealers.

The only child she let be away from the life is Zeke, and that’s probably only because she didn’t raise him herself. Cane said he is the way he is because Monet made him that way, and neither Dru, or Diana really wanted to be a part of the life in the first place.

Getting me to number 3 on my list, Walter Flynn. Since Force has only had 1 season so far, Walter hasn’t had as much screen time as my other characters, but I still had to put Walter on this list, because even he called himself the devil.

We also know Walter is a _____ based upon the fact how he talked to Diamond, and because he didn’t want Vic to be with Gloria. Walter also went and killed all those serbs knowing it would fall back on him, and they would come for Vic.

While Walter sat safe in his mansion, he put his own son’s life at risk also. Then when it was said and done he blamed Tommy Egan, knowing Tommy had nothing to do with it. He also at one point told his daughter Claudia to wear something that would spark the police chiefs imagination, and to put a little sugar on it.

Getting me to my top 2 most evil characters in the Power Universe. At number 2 I have Raquel Thomas, the queen of the southside. Like Howard told Unique, this girl don’t play by any rules. She will snitch on anyone who stands in her way without blinking an eye.

Then we also know she is the one who put the hit out on D Wiz, a 15 year old kid. But what got her to number 2 on the list is when she tried to get her son to kill his own father. The man she also lied to for 15 years, and didn’t even tell him the child was his.

And of course this was different than Tariq killing Ghost, or Tommy killing Teresi. Ghost was trying to make Tariq turn himself in for murder, and Teresi was a snitch. Not to mention the fact that they both knew exactly what they were doing.

At the time Kanan shot Howard, he didn’t even know who he was. He only thought he was shooting a man who was trying to jeopardize his family’s future according to Raq. Then to put the cherry on top she broke her brother, then grabbed his head and told him she owns him.

Getting me to the most evil power character in my personal opinion, and that is none other than Kanan Starke. Of course when you are raised by Raq, what do you expect? We see in Raising Kanan, Kanan’s relationship with his cousin Jukebox, who he eventually killed.

Then there is the fact that he killed his own son Shawn. Now I’m not saying Shawn didn’t provoke Kanan to do what he did. He was saying some real harsh, and nasty things, but still to kill your own son is just cold blooded.

But that is still not what put Kanan at the number 1 spot on my list. It was when he killed that old woman that got him landed at my number 1 spot. That kill definitely didn’t set well with me because I am a grandma’s boy.

My grandma helped raised me, and was the only person who was in my corner several times in my life, including during my bid in prison. Rest in heaven to my grandma. But the lady Kanan killed was just an innocent civilian who thought she had a nice boy carrying her groceries home for her.

And there you have it, my top 5 list for the most evil character in the power universe. Leave your list in the comments.







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