chi mid finale

5 Things To Look For – The Chi Season 6 Mid Season Finale “Who Shot Ya”

What up everybody? The Chi Season 6 mid season finale is here, and it’s titled who shot ya? After the classic Biggie Smalls, Tupad diss song. This is indicating that someone will be getting shot this episode.


Before I get into who gets shot, because there could be more than 1 person getting shot, killed or whatever happens in this episode. I’m talking about 5 things to look for on the Chi mid season finale. 


Starting off with Kev, and will he make it to LA, or will there be another tragedy that stops him from leaving. As of right now Kev plans to move to LA to pursue his dream of being a professional gamer.


A gaming team in LA is setting him up with a car, a house, and a fat salary. Right now Kev is also in a relationship with Miesha, but he isn’t going to let that stand in the way of his dream. He also offered Miesha the opportunity to join him in LA, but as of right now she wants to stay in Chicago. 


At the same time Miesha, and Jemma’s partnership isn’t working out, so Miesha might be better off going to LA with Kev. But when it comes to hip hop music, personally I have a few Chicago rappers in my library, to 0 LA rappers.


So really Jemma should be trying to reach out to some of those local rappers, and getting her artists a feature might be all it takes for them to blow up. And this is another problem because Miesha is jealous of Jemma managing another artist, Bakari’s sister Britney.


Getting me to the next thing to look for, and that is Britney trying to make a move on Jemma. And if she does make a move how will Jemma respond. Jake already suspects that something is about to happen.


And he told Jemma to make sure that Britney is only trying to work on music. Jake and Jemma’s relationship has been solid for a minute now, and they even have a deeper connection after Jemma lost her baby.


But also keep in mind how Jake and Jemma hooked up. It was behind Kev’s back. Jemma, and Kev were together, and Jake took Kev’s girl from him. Well, there is an old saying you reap, what you sow, now Jake might get his girl stolen from him by Britney.


The next thing to look out for is Lynae getting caught with the bag of guns that Bakari brought to her through the window. Bakari initially had Shad hold the guns for him, but after someone broke into his home, he pulled a gun out the bag to run them away.


Then once his girl saw the bag she told him either get the guns out of her house, or he got to go. Shad brought the bag to Bakari all mad like it was Bakari’s fault, and he didn’t just get done explaining to his girl it was a good thing he had the guns to run the burglar away.


Maybe Shad should have thought about giving those 2 bands back to Bakari also. This left Bakari in a position he didn’t know what to do with the guns so he brought them to his girl Lynae. 


Now keep in mind that Bakari has already promised Jamal that he would never get Lynae caught up in any of his street stuff. But after Jamal took it easy on Bakari when get got arrested with Lynae in the car, he doesn’t fear Jamal like that anymore.


And he obviously doesn’t fear, Dre, and Nina either. But keep in mind the whole reason Kev ended up moving out, it was because Nina was in his room, and found all the money he made playing video games, and thought he was selling drugs.


So more likely than not Lynae is going to get caught with those guns, and kicked out. Then the question would be what will Nina, and Dre to with these guns? Will they call the cops, or give them back to Bakari.


If they call the cops, and Lynae gets arrested this could create a mess for Bakari. First off Jamal is going to be furious that he brought those guns to his sister. But more importantly there will come a time that Douda will ask for those guns back.


Now Bakari has already got a beat down from Douda after getting the car he loaned him ceased, what will Douda do if Bakari doesn’t have the guns when he ask for them back?


The next thing to keep an eye out for is Keisha, and Emmit breaking up, or Keisha at least cheating on Emmitt with Nuck. So far all of season there has been tension in Emmit, and Keisha’s relationship.


One thing or another, Emmit working with Douda, buying Tiff a car, Keisha losing her job, then the final straw was finding the bag of money. Then on episode 7, Keisha went to see Nuck, and it even looked like they were holding hands for a second.


After Emmitt found out he gave Keisha an ultimatum that if she’s sees Nuck again he is going to break up with her. But from the looks of the Episode 8 trailer Keisha isn’t going to respect Emmit’s wishes because it shows her getting into a car with Nuck.


Now keep in mind what Douda told Nuck while they were playing Chess. You don’t protect your queen, you use your queen. And sometimes you have to sacrifice the ones you love in order to win the game


So going back to my first thing to look for, that was, would a tragedy stop Kev from going to LA? Be on the lookout for something to happen to Keisha when she is with Nuck, for her to be put in danger, or even possibly to get killed. 


Getting me to my final thing to look for, a major death, most likely Douda. Keeping in mind the title of the episode is, “who shot ya”. Going back to the conversation between Nuck, and Douda during their Chess match.


Douda told Nuck that he was relying too heavily on his pawns. Then at the end of the episode Nuck overheard sister Stanley calling him a pawn. Is Douda actually the one relying too heavily on his pawns, and will sending Nuck to kill the Pastor end up being a mistake?


The trailer shows a car with 2 men pulling up to Douda garage, and exchanging fire with Douda and Nuck. I don’t think Douda normally carries a gun with him, so it will be Nuck shooting it out with the car pulling up.


This car most likely has Rob, and Dante, or Rob and Darnell. I know Rob is in the backseat with the gun, but I can’t tell who the driver is. If I had to guess, it would be Darnell, but as far as we know Darnell, and Rob don’t even know each other.


But from the trailer we do know that Darnell is going to try to get involved 1 way or another, because he tells Emmitt to let him handle Douda. Also, don’t forget about the bag on money that Emmitt is holding.


If Douda, and Nuck both get killed, Emmit could be riding off into the sunset. But I don’t think the drive bye attempt will work, at least regarding Douda, Nuck might get hit because he is the one who will actually have to shoot it out.


And either Rob or his driver might also get killed because they dont have experience in that line of work, and Nuck would be more equipped for a shootout. But most likely at the end of the episode it will show Douda getting show, and we will have to wait to find out, number 1 who shot Douda, and number 2 does he survive.


And there you have it, leave your thoughts, theories, and predictions in the comments.







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