The Chi Season 6 Episode 7

5 Things To Look For – The Chi Season 6 Episode 7

What up everybody? Just 2 more episodes of the Chi before we take the midseason halftime break. And there is some major questions that need to be answered in these final 2 episodes that will set the stage for the remaining 8.

Like will Douda be alive in the final 8 episodes. And will Kev still be living in Chi Raq, or will he be gone off getting that California love in LA? Will the feds make a return to the series for the first time since season 2 to investigate the murder of the Pastor, or possibly even the murder of Douda? Maybe to see if the 2 are related?

These are just some questions to keep in mind as we get set for these final 2 episodes. Getting me to the topic of today’s video: 5 things to look for on the Chi Season 6 episode 7. Go ahead and leave your predictions in the comment section.

The description for the episode says, The community reels at a loss; Jake’s sage advice to Victor provides clarity; a past memory sparks a breakthrough for Kiesha; Bakari confronts Nuck; Nina makes a startling confession.

Starting with who will seek to avenge the Pastor’s death? The obvious answer here is Bakari, seeing the trailer shows Bakari pulling his strap out on Nuck, and Zay pointing his gun right back at Bakari. Bakari is in an emotional state here, and putting himself in danger.

But also keep in mind his sister just came back into the picture. So there’s a chance that the clip makes it look like Bakari is alone, but his sister is gonna come in from somewhere as his back up. But I’m sure his sister was brought in for a reason, possibly Bakari is about to get killed, and she will be seeking to avenge his death. .

By the looks of the trailer it looks like Nuck will be a major player in this episode, and is also most likely who took out the Pastor also. Douda told Nuck to handle PAstor Stanley after, he preached a sermon about him.

Nuck also is seen with both Emmitt, and Keisha in the trailer, possibly questioning him regarding the Pastor’s death, or something to do with the money Emmit is holding. Both Keisha, and Emmitt were members of Pastor Stanley’s congregation.

The wildcard here is the day 1’s Kevin, Jake, and Poppa. Will they band together to avenge Poppa’s father’s murder. I have serious doubts, but it is a wildcard. When Keisha went missing Kev wasn’t afraid to show up to Nuck’s traphouse looking for Keisha, and also shot Ronnie.

And Jake has also always been quick to get into a beef, but has calmed down a lot since he has been with Jemma. And Will Poppa take a dark turn after his father’s murder? Right now he is facing a fork in the road in his life.

One question regarding avenging Pastor Stanley death, will Nuck be the target or will Douda the puppet master be the end goal. The trailer shows Nuck, and Douda playing Chess with Douda saying the game is to sacrifice the ones you love, and not to have no fear.

One thing in regards to Chess; one wrong move, which is called a blunder will most likely cost you the match. Much like in life, you could do everything right, but one wrong move could cost you everything. Was killing the Pastor, Douda’s wrong move, and the final straw?

Sticking with Douda getting me to my next thing to keep a look out for, Will Douda attend Pastor Stanely’s funeral. Keep in mind what Douda told Emmitt, that he would kill him, then show up at his repass with gators on, and a pinky ring.

Will Douda have the audacity, and the boldness to show up to the Pastors funeral? The next thing to look out for is Rob, and Tiff getting arrested for growing marijuana. Yes it is legal in the state of Illinois, but you have to have a permit to grow.

Tiff and Rob tried getting a permit from Victor, but he was able to help them, and they were gonna have to wait 6 months to a year for the permit, so Tiff decided she was just gonna go ahead and grow without a permit, because taking the chance would be better than working for Douda.

Now keep in mind that Douda has eyes and ears everywhere, and he most likely had heard that Rob, and Tiff are growing there own weed that is better than his. I don’t know Douda to be a snitch, but to take out a potential competitor, I would not put it past him.

Also keep in mind that Rob has been paid 100k by his mother to kill the man who killed his uncle Q, which of course is Douda. Robs mom knows that Rob isn’t built like that she told him to find some help.

So be in the look for who will Rob turn to for help? Could we possibly see Rob try to turn Nuck against Douda to take him out. Keep in mind that is was actually Nuck who convinced Douda to take out Q.

So at the end of the day we will see who is actually pulling the strings: Douda, or has Nuck been playing Douda this whole time, just so he could take over as the leader of the 63rd street mob?

Getting me to the final 2 things to be on the look out for: a major death that will change everything, and a major break up. We already know there will be a stand off between Bakari, Nuck, and Zay, if Bakari slips up it could be over for him

And other than a gangster like Douda or Nuck being killed a death to a major character like Emmitt or Kev would shock the Chi. And I am anticipating a major change in the final 8 episodes.

Finishing off with a major break up. There are several relationships that are shaky right now starting with the grown folks. Keisha has already threatened to leave Emmitt about the bag of money, and clearly she has not been happy in that relationship all of season 6, but at the end of the day Emmitt has always been the one there for Keisha, and who she feels comfortable with.

Dre and Nina’s relationship is also on the rocks, after Tracey hired Dre’s ex girlfriend to work across the hall from her. Tracy acted like she didn’t know that was Dre’s ex, but I think she did that on purpose out of jealousy because both Jada and Dre were bragging to Tracey about how good married life was.

Then of course the kids relationships are all as fragile as they are ever gonna be right now. A lot of high school relationships end with school is over with, and people begin to move on with their lives.

And there you have it, 5 things to be on the look out for The Chi Season 6, episode 7. LEave your thoughts, theories, and predictions in the comments.







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